Sunday, May 20, 2012

Leave Our Kids ALONE!

Article:  NJ Test Asked Children to Reveal Secret

Our schools were in the news again last week.

It seems New Jersey thought it would be a good idea to ask third graders taking a standardized test to "tell a secret". 

I don't know if this was a true fishing expedition, or if the creator of the test was thinking 9-year olds would simply reveal secrets about what little girl liked which little boy.  Maybe it was simple foolishness and naivete.  Maybe.  Or maybe it was an attempt by the education system to intrude on parent authority and family privacy.

Either way, parents were outraged, and rightly so.  The question has been removed from the test.

Things like this make be feel much better about our decision to homeschool next year.  More and more Americans are choosing this option.  Any wonder why?


  1. This also could let a teacher know if a child is in an abusive situation. The gov. needs to outlaw homeschooling. Kids need a standard education by professionals not just parents who think they know a few things.

  2. Lois, I suggest doing some research on homeschooling. Go to an INCH conference. Become informed. I'm afraid you are very misinformed on the issue of homeschooling.

    As for the question of abuse...

    There are better ways of identifying abuse than fishing expiditions that violate the 4th Amendment. As an RN, im trained to recognize certain signs. So are doctors, teachers and clergy.

    Never give up your rights "for the children".


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