Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Get Out of the Way of Emergency Vehicles!

Generally speaking, when you see an ambulance, fire truck, police car, or any emergency vehicle with blue or red lights flashing, you should pull to the right shoulder or curb and stop.

But not always.

The idea isn't to pull over.  It's to get out of the way.  Pulling to the side and stopping is only appropriate if it gets you out of the way!

I've seen people pull over for emergency vehicles in the opposing lanes of 5-lane, or even divided highways.  I've seen them pull over when the emergency vehicle is the only vehicle in the opposing lane on a quiet country road with no crossroads or driveways nearby (not wrong, but probably not necessary).  I've seen them pull over when the emergency vehicle is still a quarter mile away, only to have the ambulance or fire truck turn before it ever catches up to the private-owned car.

I've seen people stay in front of a police car, thinking they're being pulled over, only to have the cop speed past when the private-owned car finally gets out of the way.

We all want to help emergency vehicles, but we have to do it smart.  If you're not in the way, try not to become an obstacle.  Don't block traffic unnecessarily; don't block side roads, driveways, or access roads; when and emergency vehicle comes up behind you, move to the right to let them pass; if you are not in the way, but could get in the way, stop and wait for the emergency vehicle to go by.  Never pass stopped cars or the emergency vehicle itself.  Never turn in front of an emergency vehicle.

Basically, use intelligent discretion.  If you are unable to figure out the best thing to do, simply pull to the right and stop -- without blocking driveways.

One day that ambulance could be trying to help you.

(BTW: Most states have laws requiring drivers to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.)


  1. I'm a big fan of getting out of the way of ALL faster traffic.

    Slower Traffic Keep Right

    Keep Right Except To Pass

    These are all concepts lost on a good amount of idiots cruising along in the left lane at 68 mph...

  2. I appreciate cars in the opposite side of the road pulling over to the right even if 'not seemed necessary' it acknowledges my presences. Currently I am driving a fire apparatus, and am frustrated with the large population of drivers that do not seem to know that I am asking them to move out of the way. I often believe those same drivers would be the ones that yell at me for 'taking to long' to get to their emergency. And finally, when I block the road, for the safety of first responders and those in an accident, please don't find a way around me. When my large fire engine is across the road way I don't want you there, even 'if you think there is enough room'. Common sense should prevail over 'this is the way I always go home'.
    12 minutes ago · Like · 2

    1. Those drivers own the road and you are trespassing. Didn't you know that? They own the left lane on the expressway too. Oh... and all the parking spaces... and the McDonald's drive through... and the center turn lane...


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