Monday, May 14, 2012

Divorce and Kids

See the KickStarter Link Here: "Monkey in the Middle" Divorce Book Series

Fifty percent of US marriages will end in divorce.  Many of these divorces will affect children.

When a divorce occurs, it's not uncommon for one spouse to want to save the marriage while the other spouse seeks to end it.  The spouse fighting to save the marriage may feel powerless, hopeless, abandoned, unloved, and hurt.

If an adult can experience these helpless feelings, imagine what a child feels.

Children of divorce experience all the emotions adults do, but with far less power and control.  They often feel guilty and lost.  Their lives are forever changed and there is nothing they can do about it.

Jontie Hays and Sarah Ulmer have decided to do something to help children affected by divorce.  They have started a series of children's books specifically designed to help kids address the questions, fears, and emotions they experience as they transition into their new lives.

These books won't replace a healthy marriage with loving parents.  The best gift parents can ever give their children is to love each other.  But if divorce is going to occur, this project can help ease the pain and anxiety children experience when going through such a difficult time.

The project is being funded through donations.  They have a minimum target of $4000 to keep the project going, with an ultimate target of $195,000 to see it through to completion.  At the time of this writing, they are half way to their minimum goal.

Please take a moment to check out the website (the link is at the top of this page) and consider a donation.


  1. I have already donated! It's a truly wonderful project!

    Best wishes to you
    Jorge Vicente

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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