Friday, May 18, 2012

God Given Right to Sin

I believe in free will.  I believe one of the ways God made us in his image is through our ability to choose.  By giving us a choice, God gave us the ability to choose Him.  He also gave us the ability, and the right to not choose Him.

We have a God-given right to sin.

This is why I oppose laws that regulate behavior based strictly on the morality of that behavior.  I would never support a law requiring one to be a Christian.  I believe such a law would likely increase the number of Christian in our society, but at a cost.  These people would not have truly chosen God, because they would have never had the option of not choosing.  Without a choice, one cannot choose.

I oppose enforced morality for the same reason.  How can someone have the opportunity to obey and serve God if he is never given the option of disobedience?  Are his actions as worthy as those of a person who was free to make another choice and chose God instead?

God gave us free-will, and with it, the right to sin.  We as a society should respect that and avoid the legislation and enforcement of morality.

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