Sunday, July 29, 2012

USDA Did Right

Read Article Here:  USDA Meatless Monday Posting Retracted After Beef Industry Calls Foul

The USDA last week gave its support for "Meatless Monday".  A least for a few moments.  The department retracted its support following outcry from American livestock farmers, and rightly so.

Meatless Mondays are an international initiative by environmental extremists looking to force their religion on the general public.  They claim it will help the environment my reducing grain consumption and by limiting methane in the atmosphere from "cow farts"

For the USDA to take a position on such an obviously controversial issue was irresponsible.  There is no peer reviewed data to support this type of initiative to improve our environment.  It's a feel-good measure designed to push an agenda.  The government should never participate in this type of debate.  It should certainly never take sides.

As for "cow farts"...

Methane in cow flatulence is caused by the breakdown of vegetable material.  If the grass and grain fed to cows breaks down in the cow digestive tract, or on the ground through the normal process of biodegradation, the same amount of gas is formed.  Cows may concentrate greenhouse gasses into a smaller area, but they do not cause a higher volume of gasses to be formed.

Cow farts do not affect the ozone and do not contribute to global warming, or climate change, or whatever the green wackos want to call it.

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