Monday, July 16, 2012

God Doesn't Use Scales

Egyptian mythology talked about the judgement of Osiris, who would weigh a dead person's heart against a feather to determine its final fate.  The Muslim faith teaches that human souls are punished or rewarded according to the shape of the soul as determined by how they lived their lives.  Hindu and Buddhism teach of a path for approaching perfection through enlightenment.

God doesn't do any of these things.

God is perfect.  The incarnation of absolute good.  God defines good and is entirely devoid of evil.  Being mostly good is not good enough for God.  Even a minute trace of evil will alienate us from God.  Weighing our souls will not determine if we're good enough to go to heaven.  It will simply tell us how far we are separated from God.

Imagine a glass of filtered water.  It's pure, clean, cool, and clear, completely without contaminant.

Would you drink it?  Of course.  It's pure.

Now take a drop of blood from a person with a disease.  Mix the drop of blood into the water until it's completely dissolved.

Will you drink it now?

Why not?  It's still clear and cool.  The contaminant is so small it can't be seen.  The water is almost completely clean.  Isn't it clean enough?

Of course not.

And neither are we.

Christianity is unique in that it teaches that we are all unclean.  Some more than others, but all of us fall short of God's requirement of purity.  If we were to join with Him, we would contaminate Him and he would no longer be pure.

There are no scales.  There is no need to judge.  We are simply not good enough for Him.

Except we are.

God loves us, so He gave us a way.  Christ is the bridge to God.  He assumes our imperfections, cleansing us, and allowing us to approach God.

Because of Christ, we can all be good enough.  But we do have to choose Christ.

The choice is ours.

There are no scales.

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