Monday, July 9, 2012

This should alarm you...

Read the Forbes Magazine article here: 
U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms

The United Nations, as a body, is not fond of gun ownership.  They have been trying for years to restrict or eliminate the ownership of firearms by private citizens.  This month, UN representatives are meeting to discuss small-arms treaties to combat terrorism and international crime.  There is not much new about the proposed treaties.  They seem to be discussing the same gun ownership restrictions proposed in the past: gun registration and the criminalization of certain types of guns.

For this treaty to be ratified by the US, it would have to be negotiated by the White House, then passed by a 2/3 majority of the Senate.  Senators are generally opposed to the bill because of its threat to the US Constitution and our national sovereignty.  As a result, it is unlikely that the US will enter into this kind of treaty.

We currently have a law on the books preventing the federal government from spending tax dollars to promote a UN gun treaty.  Apparently, George Soros has decided to front the money for advertising to promote whatever treaty the UN comes up with.

If this treaty were to ratified, it would do two things.  First, it would relinquish a piece of US sovereignty to a foreign government.  This is a dangerous precedent, but not nearly as dangerous as the second point.  Ratifying this treaty would challenge the authority of the US Constitution.  If the President and the Senate can bypass the constitutional amendment process through a simple treaty ratification, the document will become far less effective.  Since modification of the Constitution is supposed to require consent of the states, this would be a serious blow to state rights and the 10th Amendment.

This treaty must be opposed, regardless of anyone's opinions on gun ownership.

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