Monday, June 4, 2012

No 1st Amendment for Obama Critics

Video: Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama

Apparently, we're not allowed to criticize the president.  Or this president, at least.

In the above video, we hear a social studies teacher berating a student for making a marginally critical comment about President Obama.  The rant is incredibly biased, oppressive, and demonstrates some remarkable ignorance on the part of the teacher.

Recently, a bill has been passed making it unlawful to protest in Secret Service secured areas (read: "where the president can hear you").  Now a school is being used to suppress student opinions that would challenge Obama.

I'm worried.  This is not OK. 


  1. You've got to wonder why the teachers union would defend someone like this.

  2. Not at all surprised by your political position, but as a christian shouldn't you follow the rules of the Bible, and it is very clear we are to submit to those that have rule over us, and pray for those in leadership or do you only abide with what suits you.

  3. @Lois: Well that was fairly hostile...

    I do pray for our public officials. I also support the authority God has placed over us in this country: The US Constitution.

    Our political system is not the same as the Roman system of Paul's time. We are encouraged to offer criticism and dissent. Our system even allows for revolution in the event of illegal government practice and/or oppression.

    Please remember. The Bible wasn't given to us to be used as a weapon against other people. It was given to us so that we would know how to conduct our own lives.

    I'm glad you are aware of the wisdom contained in the Bible. It's a worthwhile read. I encourage you to study it and see how it applies to your own life.

    God bless.

  4. I thought: "This site is intentionally controversial. The blog posts are designed to promote discussion and debate." Sorry it came off hostile to you. If you are just looking for everyone to share your opinion, fine, I will move on.
    Though politics may change, the bible, and I would certainly think you would believe, god does not. The bible is the manual of the religion, it along with other theology and the beliefs contained in them have been the "weapons" of war for mankind since the dawn of time. I have read the bible along with many philosophies, I would encourage you to expand your studies as well.

    1. What I found as hostile was your immediate attack on me personally, rather than the argument presented. I may have crossed this line a bit myself by implying that you haven't read the Bible. I apologize.

    2. As far as the Bible and God changing...

      You're right. They don't. But our society does. The application of the Bible's wisdom doesn't apply to our current US system of government (a constitutionally limited democratically elected representative republic) in the same way that it applied to the Roman despotic plutocracy/oligarchy.

      In our system, the ultimate authority is not the elected official, but the limiting document itself. Our Constitution, and its supporting documents, is the authority placed over us by God.

      Our Constitution allows for, and the supporting documents encourage, dissent. It is not illegal or immoral to protest or criticize our government and its officials.

      In Rome, early Christians would not have been morally free to exercise rights that we enjoy today. Exercising our current rights does not violate the Bible.


  5. The portion of the argument I'm addressing is the bill that passed by the "constitutionally limited democratically elected representative republic" and their authority in the constitution. Lest we not forget that before the constitution the founders violated the bible in the same fashion.


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