Thursday, April 19, 2012

Brides in diapers? Really?

See the article here:  Bridal diapers  

Classify this one under "Ew!"  Apparently bathroom breaks are more of an issue than I realized.

A wedding is a huge event.  Aside from the bride, the dress is the centerpiece of the wedding (sorry guys, we come in 3rd, at best).  These dresses are designed for looks, not bathroom breaks.  I get all that.

But diapers?  Really?  Is it really more dignified to pee your pants during the ceremony than to ask a couple of close friends to help out in the bathroom?

And wouldn't it be a better option to buy a reception dress rather than to deal with the inconvenience of a form fitting, long train wedding dress?  Are diapers really the solution?

Maybe it's something we guys will just never understand...


  1. For some fetishes, this will no doubt make the wedding night consummation even for exciting... (yes, i know... EWWW)

  2. Oh Don. Did you have to take it there? EWWWW!


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