Saturday, April 21, 2012

All This Hair

Not every post can be deep, thought provoking, and controversial...

Today, I want opinions.  What should I do with all this hair.

About 20 years ago, I started cutting my hair "High and Tight" because of my martial arts training.  Last fall, I had several people tell me, all in about a 2 week period, that I should grow it out.

So I did...

I haven't cut my hair since October.  It's a bit thinner on top than it was 20 years ago, and a lot more gray, but it's still fairly thick, a bit curly, and entirely unruly.

I think it's time for a haircut.  But what kind of style?  Should I grow it a bit longer?  Should I go with the messy, unkempt look that's in these days?  Gel it to accent the curls?  Brush it straight back like The Fonz?  (Dating myself, I know).  Cut it all off again?

All suggestions will be considered.




  2. Hmmmm.... I kind of like the Chuck Lorre style on that site...

  3. Just get it cleaned up a bit. It looks good and you should enjoy it while you can. It definitely softens your features in a very positive way!


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