Tuesday, September 11, 2012

God Bless America

On Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, at 8:46am, America woke up to fund ourselves at war.

Since that infamous moment, our lives have changed.  The US went on the attack against terrorism.  Up until that moment, we thought terrorism was someone else's problem.  It was something that happened in Greece, Israel, or France.  It occasionally touched us, but never with any real teeth.  The events of 9/11 made us finally take our heads from the sand.  We began to realize that we, like the rest of the world, were vulnerable.

Following 9/11, we have initiated many changes in culture and policy.  We have adopted the Patriot Act, strict TSA guidelines, new security measures, and a greater acceptance of CPLs.  We have invaded two countries and toppled their governments.  We have chased terrorists in half a dozen other countries, clipping their wings and greatly reducing their ability to harm us.

Our reaction to 9/11 has been somewhat controversial.  I personally don't support the Patriot Act or the new TSA guidelines.  I don't believe the Iraqi war was intended to fight terrorism.  I don't believe our efforts in Afghanistan are currently related to terror.

I believe there is one thing I think we will all agree on, however.  9/11 reminded us that, our differences aside, we are all Americans.  We can fight among ourselves, but we will not allow anyone to harm our American brothers and sisters.  We may be divided along political and social ideals, but we are united in this.

We Are America.

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