Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stop Living Life Through a Camera

Go to a school, music, or dance performance.  A sporting event or a kids' karate belt test.  A birthday party, 1st communion, or a graduation.  Look at the parents.  How many are watching and experiencing the event?  How many are instead watching their cameras, more interested in recording the event than experiencing it.

I admit, I've been guilty of this too.  But then I've put down the camera and watched.  There is no comparison.  Experiencing life first hand and creating real memories is so much better than recording life for later viewing.

Setting up a video camera and forgetting it is fine.  Taking a few stills to trigger memories is great.  But for the most part, we should put down the cameras and experience our lives.


  1. Better yet, hire a college student in a photo program for $50 to take pics for your event.

    You're busy experiencing the event and being involved, and it takes TIME to get the best images. Time you don't have, and time you don't need to spend.

    A college kid in a photo program will be glad for the income, will have the time to take good pictures, and this will have the added benefit of YOU being INCLUDED in your memories.


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