Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wink at the Moon

Video: Conspiracy Theory : Did We Land on the Moon ?

Scientific Response to the video: Conspiracy Theory: Did We Go to the Moon?

Neil Armstrong died last week.  Armstrong was a real American hero.  He risked his life to advance American exceptionalism.  He dedicated his career to acquiring specialized skills and knowledge, and to maintaining excellent health so that he could serve us by advancing technology and by starting the incredible task of exploring the final frontier.  It was a sad day when Armstrong died.  To honor and salute him, and in compliance with the Armstrong family's request, my kids and I went outside during the Blue Moon and gave it a wink.

There are people who claim the Lunar Mission was a hoax.  They point to certain points they claim prove the landing occurred on a Hollywood set, rather than the giant planetoid we see in our sky most nights.  They have a list of things they expect to see in Lunar photos and video, then cry conspiracy when their expectations are not met, regardless of the logical, scientific explanations for the supposed "discrepancies".

Our world is not filled with conspiracies.  It's nearly impossible to get enough people to cooperate and keep quiet enough to make a conspiracy succeed.  Even a small leak or mistake will be jumped on by legitimate news media looking for the "kill" of a major news scoop.  Credible sources will come forward, opening the door to countless others who will seek their moment of fame by coming clean.  Think Watergate...

There is no Moon conspiracy.  Armstrong was a hero.  An American hero who walked on the moon.

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