Sunday, August 5, 2012

HBO's The Newsroom Goes Anti-Gun

I've watched a few episodes of HBO's The Newsroom, and I like it.  The characters are engaging and real.  The newsroom action is authentic and interesting.  The entire show is captivating.

But Hollywood reared its ugly anti-gun head in last weeks show.  Citing flawed statistics from a poorly modeled twenty year old study, they claimed that guns are useless for self defense.  Ignoring pre-presidential-run positioning on gun control and 2008 campaign comments, they claimed that President Obama is not unfriendly toward gun ownership and that all gun owner distrust toward the president is the result of a smear campaign by the NRA and conservative activists in an effort to raise revenue. 

I like this show.  The premise is great.  But to ignore data, distort facts, and present an agenda as reality in an effort to sway the opinions of ignorant viewers is irresponsible and unnecessary.  It added nothing to the show.  All they have succeeded in doing is alienating 40 million gun owners like me.

How sad.

1 comment:

  1. This week's episode has shown that the program is actually pretty good. It's on responsible journalism. I like it.


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