Sunday, May 13, 2012

Breastfeeding is normal. This picture is not.

See article here: Time Magazine Cover Stirs Breastfeeding Controversy

I'm all for breastfeeding babies.  I fully support women who choose this for themselves and their children.  I support the practice in public, so long as the mother uses a reasonable amount of polite discretion.  I'll even support breastfeeding a child until fully weaned (about 3 years old).  But I don't think any of these were the true reason for Time's recent controversial magazine cover.

I think this cover was for one reason only... to sell magazines.  It was chosen for shock value.  An attractive mom is feeding a fairly mature 3 year old dressed in play clothes suitable for a school classroom.  They're both looking at the camera as if to say "Yeah... what're ya gonna do about it?"

I have no idea why all this is a controversy.  Breastfeeding is normal and healthy.  There is absolutely nothing sexual about the practice.  This "controversy" makes about as much sense as arguing whether one should use a public restroom to relieve their bladder.

Let's just let it go.  We have much more important things to worry about.  If I want to look at undressed women, there are better options than Time Magazine.  Personally, the only woman who interests me is my wife.


  1. I'm pretty sure there's no controversy with breast feeding itself, the controversy is the fact that that kid is like 4. There reaches a stage, I'd say when the kid can form fully coherent sentences, that breast feeding becomes kind of weird.

    1. That's why I say I support it until the child is weaned. Beyond that it's pretty bizarre.

      BTW: Breastfeeding in general is coming back but it used to be highly controversial. Breastfeeding in public still is.

  2. I was just thinking about this article again. I find that I'm offended by it...

    This magazine cover and its headline seems to imply that any woman who chooses NOT to breastfeed is not a real woman!

    I believe choosing whether to nurse or to bottle feed is a personal decision that does not in any way reflect on a woman's capability or commitment to her child.


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